Monday, March 17, 2008

Welcome To Byzantium!

Today I took two new necklace designs to work to see what they thought of the new chain mail design that I learned at my class a couple weeks back.  I wasn't sure what they would think or how they would react, but I wanted to see if they thought the designs was worth pursuing since they're pretty good at predicting what others will buy.

To say that the necklaces were well received, would be an understatement.  The loved the necklaces! One of my coworkers, who had seen the rings that I made the chain from, said that she had no idea that this was what I was planning on making with the rings.  

This is the first of the two necklaces (the only that is complete at the moment), for your review.  I've entitled this one "Byzantium Twilight" since the chain design is a Byzantine weave.

This chain incorporates copper and aluminum rings in the design with an organic focal bead that I made at Bead and Button last year during class.  A copper toggle completes the chain and makes putting on and taking it off very easy (since I'm such a klutz!).

This necklace is mine, and I cannot wait to see the reaction of others when I wear it.

I'm planning on having several of these types necklaces made up when I go to shows and see what folks think.  The focals can be anything from a large grape or tree bead to a simple organic focal for a more subtle look.

I'm hoping that this particular style will be popular with men as well as women.  

What do you think?  

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